Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cell Phone Tower protection Tips

What to do if a cell phone tower is erected next to your home ?
There is one big difference between cell phones & Cell towers . A cell phone you can choose  not to have one at all & if you do have one you can choose to switch it off whenever you want.
But if a cell phone tower pop up next to your home, this is a different story. remember electromagnetic fields ( EMFS ) can not be seen & can not be heard but they go  through pretty much everything & nearly anything.
First thing first , before you get overly concerned about the dangers of your nearest cell phone towers, you first need to put your own house in order. there is no point going to great lengths & great expense with all sorts of elaborate shielding if inside your home  you have not already minimized/eradicated all the radiation sources. t
Here are 7 Tips on how to protect your home from Cell Tower Radiation :-
1. Do you need to take action ?
The starting point is to establish whether you need to take action. Firstly  need to ascertain just how close the nearest cell phone tower is , if the nearest cell phone tower is  more than a half a mile away then you should be able to sleep easy. There are no hard  & fast rules on this, one study which comes to mind found that there were adverse health effects within 400 m. But this depends on the  radiation  output of the cell phone towers in question. as a rule of thumb if the cell phone tower is within 500m & you can see the antennas from your home then you need to investigate further.
2. Get some reliable EMF readings !
Investigating  further means obtaining reliable readings from an EMF Meter.If however you are perhaps within 400m or closer & you are already experienced symptoms then you would be best advised to purchase  an EMF Meter at the outset to measure the RF radiation. This will some you money in the long run.
3. Shielding your Home !
Once you have got  some readings then you have something to go on what you need to Shield. Shielding  your whole house is just not going to be feasible  & will in any case be fairly  point less. Instead you need to focus your  attention on the room where you spend most of your time & your bed room, If you spend most of your time in your kitchen then you would be  looking to shield your kitchen & shield your bed room, unless you line in such a big house that the bed room  has negligible readings.  I would not want to " line " or spend any considerable amount of time in an environment where RF levels are above 0.02 V/m.

More Tips in next blog !!

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