Sunday, December 30, 2012

How much longer are the effects of Cell Towers radiation going to be ignored

How can the World Health Organization (WHO ) say on one hand Cell Phones are possibly carcinogenic &  on the other  completely ignore Cell tower radiation?
Especially when we know  its the cumulative effects  that are particularly  dangerous ------ remember unlike cell phones , cell towers emit radiation 24x7 . Prof.Girish Kumar has been pondering this & other question relating  to cell tower radiation. Following   his campaign , the local Government  of Gurgaon shut down   298 cell towers in a residential  areas last January.
Want to know how he did it ? He bribed a few Officials ??  No. none of that . He just argued  a very good case. Actually he produced  an excellent report  on the dangers of cell Tower radiation.
Report on the Dangers of Cell Towers  Radiation
- if you are living in the main beam of cell phone towers  you are exposed  to comparatively  high  radiation  levels , you need particular help.
- common health  complaints  of people  living  in this main beam are headaches, sleep disturbances, memory related  disorders, fatigue, buzzing in  the head,  joint pain, miscarriage, cancer etc.
- the Telecom industry likes  to play down  the WHO class 2B Carcinogen classification which also has pickles, coffee, etc. in the list.Radiation from cell phone  towers is 24x7, people living   in the near vicinity  absorb this radiation continuously.
- the Industry experts claim that " Non- thermal biological effects have not been shown to be a  health Hazard" is wearing  very thin. Non- thermal effects  are actually  several  times more harmful than thermal effects.
- average human  life expectancy is approximately 70 yrs. We should be making EMF exposure guidelines to live  safely for at least 70 yrs.
- the sensation of "hot ear" that many people feel when using  a cell phone can cause  ear tumors, the temperature  of the ear lobes increase by 1c when a cell phone is used  for 20 minutes or more , this  warm sensation can lead to tinnitus & irreversible  hearing  loss.This can in turn lead to an  ear tumor.
- doctors from  at least 3 hospitals have reported that  over use  of cell phones  can  cause a loss in hearing & also ear tumors  especially  in teenagers.
- the Blackberry smart phone manufacturers  recommends to keep the phone at least  0.98 in ( 25 mm ) from our body  when it's in use.
- nobody is saying  ban cell phone towers.We know  that  without antennas the network would not exist & people could not talk to each.  What we are saying is  why transmit  so much power ? In India , Telecom operators transmit  20w  of power per carrier & they  use a number of carriers. Also  antennas of multiple operators  are placed on the same roof or tower to cut down the cost, so cumulative transmitted  power is very high. The operator should  not transmit more than 1to 2w of power in the  densely populated area .

Cell Tower Radiation  -- Just one form  of  Exposure 
Its important  particularly  if you  are in the beam.  Let us  not hung up  about cell tower radiation. Instead, let us  concentrate on what we can do, deal with the other  source of EMF  radiation, before we start waging war  on cell tower radia

More in New Year

Saturday, December 29, 2012

How to protect yourself from Cell phone Radiation

For the awareness of Cell phone users .
There are 12 tips  to minimize your exposure  to radiation when using cell Phone.
1. Do not allow children  to use cell phone for calling.
2. Limit phone calls to those  that are absolutely  necessary.
3.Use an Air tube headset when possible.
4.When dialing  out do not put your cell phones  next to your ear until your correspondent has picked up the communications.
5. Avoid carrying  your phone directly on your body.
6. Make sure you use your  phone only in condition of
 optimum reception.
7.Do not use your  telephone  while you are in a moving vehicle.
8.Using your cell phone even in a parked car is not advisable.
9. Never Sleep with a cell phone switched  on at night beside your bed.
10. Avoid  using your cell phone if you are feeling  in any way  run down, the radiation  will make you feel even more tired & will weaken  your organisms  further.
11. Don't make mistake  of thinking  a low SAR cell phone in a safe cell phone.
12. As much as possible communicate  via text messaging rather than making phone calls.
more tips to come ---!