Friday, November 18, 2011

Health Effects from Cell Phone Towers in USA .

From the Reports  prepared by Mr.  Karen J . Rogers , USA. 

The safety of cell phone towers is the subject of extensive  Scientific debate . There is a growing body of scientific evidence that the electromagnetic radiation they emit even at low level, is dangerous to human health.
The Cell Phone Industry is expanding quickly, with over 100,000 cell phone towers now up across the U.S which is expected to increase ten fold over the next five years. The Industry has set what they say are  "Safe Levels ", of radiation exposure , but there are growing number of doctors  , physicists & health officials who strongly disagree , & foresee a public crisis.
Many Towers have been built recently in  Sisikiyon , Colorado, with dozens  more planned , as telecommunication companies rush to corner markets in this fast growing industry. These Towers emit  radio frequency ( RF ), a form of EMR, for a distance of upto 2-1/2 miles .
They are essentially the same frequency radiation as microwaves in microwave oven.
Studies have shown  that even at low levels of this radiation , there is evidence of damage to cell tissue & DNA,& it has been linked to brain tumors,cancer, suppressed immune function, depression, miscarriage,Alzheimer's disease, & numerous other serious illness. Children are the greatest  risk, due to their thinner skulls & rapid rate of growth. Also at greater risk are the elderly, the frail & pregnant woman. Doctors  from the U.K have issued warning urging children under 16 not to  use cell phones. to reduce their exposure to radio frequency ( RF ) radiation.
The  U.S Federal Communication Commission (FCC) is in charge of setting the standards of  exposure for the public, and claims that, based on scientific studies , the current levels are safe. But it is  not a public agency, & has been criticized as being " an arm of the industry ".
Many  who work for the FCC are either past, present or future employees of the very industries they are supposed  to regulate. With an explosively emergent $40 billion dollar a year  industry at stake,critics have stated " you can bet that their studies are going to show whatever they want to show ".
"U.S federal govt. also once told that asbestos, cigarettes,thalidomide, & the blood supply were"safe",
but which were later found to be harmful.
"You can bet that their studies are going to show whatever they want them to show "--- by 
 Cathy Bergman -- Veniza, at Vermont Law School , Environmental  Law Center conference, 1996.
The current U.S Standard for radiation exposure from cell phone towers is 580 -1000 micro watts 
per sq. cm ( mw/ ),  among the least protective in the world. More progressive  European countries have set standards 100 to 1000 times lower than the U.S compare Australia at 200 micro watts.
Russia,Italy,& Toronto, Canada at 10, China at 6 & Switzerland at 4. In Salzburg , Austria the level is 0.1 micro watts ( Pulsed ),  10,000 times less than the U.S. The New Zealand has proposed more Stringent levels, at .02 micro watts , 50,000 times more protective than  the U.S Standard.
Contrary to what the Communication industry tells us, there is vast scientific , epidemiological & medical evidence that confirms that exposure to the RF & microwave radiation emitted from cell towers, even at low levels, can have profound adverse effects on biological systems.
"The worlds leading electromagnetic researchers say existing scientific knowledge is inadequate to set reliable exposure standards,"-- The Vienna resolution, 1998 . 
Cell Phone tower expose the  public to involuntary , Chronic, cumulative Radio Frequency Radiation.
Low levels of RFR have been shown to be  associated with changes in Cell proliferation &  DNA damage. Some Scientific studies  show adverse health effects reported in the .01 to 100mw/ range at levels hundred, indeed , thousands , of times lower than the  .U.S Standards. These harmful low levels of radiation can reach as far as a mile away from the cel bleeds, an increase in the seizures, blood brain barrier leakage problems, increased heart rates, lower sperm counts & impaired nervous systems.
There are no conclusive studies on the safety of such exposures & the growing body of scientific evidence reports such bio effects & adverse health effects are possible.
Dr. Neil Cherry , Ph.D. biophysicist from New Zealand reports that " There is no safe level of Radiation".
He said the standards are based on thermal effects , but important non-thermal effects also takes place , such as cell death & DNA  break down.. Dr. Cherry wrote " The EMR causes cells to change in a way that makes  them cancer forming". It can increase the risk of cancer two to five times ,
He said " To claim there is no adverse effect from the phone towers flies in the face of large body of Evidence".
Deputy Director of the Department of  Health & Human services , Elizabeth Jacobsen, has stated that the safety of  RF "has not been established nor has the necessary research been conducted to test it ", and cites risk of brain cancer, tumors & DNA breakdown.
The California Public Utility Commission has urged the cell phone industry to, not locate towers near schools or hospitals. " Quite justifiably, the public remains the skeptical of attempts by Governments & Industry to reassure them that all is well, particularly given the unethical way in which they often operate symbiolically  so as to promote their own vested interests ."
The U.S industry lobbied  congress with $39 million dollar in 1996 to ensure passage of a law which essentially gives them the right to place these towers in our neighborhoods, & makes it next to impossible to oppose them based on health reasons. Citizens & Communities across the country ( U.S )
are angered, & are protesting this imposition of involuntary, 24 hour-a-day microwave exposure. As one Citizen stated " There is no place left to escape".

From this valuable Report,we can conclude that Cell Tower Radiation is a silent killer of the public in
present environment  of our  beautiful  Planet Earth.
more in next blog ---!

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