Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Adverse effect on birds,animals,& environment

From the Reports of Prof. Girish Kumar, IIT, Mumbai. India.

Electromagnetic  radiation from cell Phone & cell tower affects the birds, animals, plants & environment. One would never see a bee, sparrow, pigeon or any birds flying & staying near the cell tower ? The reason is that surface area of bird  is relatively larger than their weight in comparison to human body, so they absorbs more radiation ( Power = Power density x area ). Since fluid content is small due to less weight, it gets heated up very fast & also the magnetic field disturb their navigation skills. It has been quoted  that Albert Einstein had said ," if the bee disappears  from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live."In the US, an abrupt disappearance of bees was observed several years  back & was associated with electromagnetic pollution.This is known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) where bees can not find their way back to hive, as a result of consistent electromagnetic back ground noise that seems to disrupt inter cellular communication within individual bees.

Recently, a sharp decline noticed in bee population in Kerala posing  a serious threat to honey bees.The state has the highest density of Mobile Towers. Similar cases have been observed in Bihar, Punjab , Nepal & other  parts of India & have been attributed to increasing  electro pollution in the environment.

Effects on birds :-              (In USA  birds met accidents in high cell tower)

When birds are exposed to weak  electromagnetic field, they disorient & begin to fly in all directions, which explains migratory birds  undermining navigational abilities . A large number of birds like pigeon, sparrows, swans are getting lost due to interference from the "unforeseen enemy ", i.e mobile phone masts. Several million birds of 230 species die each year from collision with the telecommunication masts in the U.S. during migration. Accidents happen mainly in the night, in fog or bad weather, when birds might be  using the earth's magnetic field for navigation & could be seriously disoriented by the microwave radiation from Telecommunication masts.

Effects on Plants :-
Apart from bees, birds & animals, EMR emanating from cell towers can also affect vegetables, crops & plants in its vicinity. Studies  show definitive clues that cell phone EMF can choke seeds, inhibit germination & root growth, thereby affecting the overall growth of agricultural crops & plants. Progressive deterioration of trees near phone masts has also been observed.

write more in next blog ---!

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